
Prerequisites and Setup

  • Any Media Library Organizer Pro license


Settings are used to:

  • Define which IPTC fields should be made available for editing

In the WordPress Administration interface, click on Media Library Organizer > Settings
Media Library Organizer: Settings Menu


Clicking the IPTC tab allows you to define the following settings:

Media Library Organizer Pro: IPTC: Setup: Enabled


To enable IPTC functionality, select Enabled from the dropdown option.

Editable Fields

The table displayed provides checkboxes to enable or disable whether a particular IPTC field is made available for editing, depending on the screen the user is viewing:

  • Edit Screen
  • Quick/Bulk Edit Screen
  • Defaults Screen

Edit Screen

Fields enabled under this column in the above Settings table will be displayed when the user is fully editing an image in either List or Grid View:Media Library Organizer Pro: IPTC: Edit

Quick/Bulk Edit Screen

Fields enabled under this column in the above Settings table will be displayed when using the quick or bulk edit functionality in the List View:Media Library Organizer Pro: IPTC: Quick Edit

Defaults Screen

Fields enabled under this column in the above Settings table will be displayed when defining default attributes under the Defaults Settings:


Once you have made changes to the settings, click the Save button.

On screen confirmation will display to confirm that the settings have been updated.